Personal development - what? eh? pardon?

This may sound all new-age and crusty, but I recently discovered Steve Pavlina and I've become an instant fan.

This guy is a former computer programmer and game developer turned personal development guru....only in America, as they say.

Usually I wouldn't go in for this kind of thing, but I was googling for ways to increase productivity at work and lo and behold his blog popped up. At first I was not convinced, but on further reading there's some superb content in there.

A few favourites I have discovered include '33 Rules to boost your productivity', 'How to get up when your alarm goes off' as well as stuff on Raw Foods, being in touch with your darkside and some more psychic and new-age stuff which is a bit out of my comfort zone.

His post on reasons not to get a job was pretty interesting as well...(raw) food for thought. And if you're really dedicated, there's a 7300 word article on how to make money through a blog (no I haven't read it all yet)

Anyway, worth a check, his writing style is very good too.

Thanks, Steve


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